Stalin Called Sex Maniac, Paper Says

France Soir Quotes Red Boss Khrushchev

PARIS, June 11 (P)--Nikita S. Khrushchev, world Communism's boss, was quoted today by a French newspaper as labeling Joseph Stalin a sex maniac whose police recruited for him a harem of under-age] girls.

The newspaper France Soir, reporting this in a dispatch from Vienna, said Khrushchev also confirmed a suspicion widely held in the West that Stalin killed his second wife.

Khrushchev, first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, was quoted as suggesting Stalin's į crimes were SO heinous he should be tried posthumously. Stalin died three years ago. Quoted Indirectly

France Soir was the first newspaper to obtain the text of Khrushchev's speech to the 20th Soviet Communist Party congress in February denouncing Stalin as the murderer of hundreds of faithful Communists.| The U.S. State Department published it about a week later.

The newspaper did not quote directly from this latest report: of Stalin's past.

It said, however, there could be no doubt about the repart's authenticity, explaining Khushchev delivered it to a small group of Soviet leaders to answer doubts about his original denunciations.

Says Beria Recruited Girls Khrushchev, said France Soir, reported Stalin assigned Police Chief Lavrenty P. Beria to recruit a harem of teen-age girls, some of whom disappeared later under mysterious circumstances. Khrushchev is reported to have explained that in his later years Stalin was subject to a sort of erotomania-sex madness-and to have related some "particularly odious details" of sexual cruelty to the girls.

This is not the first time sex charges have been made against Stalin, Alexander Orlov, a former commissar of Soviet Secret Police who has lived in exile in the United States 20 years, told a news conference last April that Stalin was a homosexual. Khrushchev now is pictured as revealing to Soviet leaders that Beria confessed Stalin's sex crimes before the police boss was executed late in 1953.